Scattering Ian's ashes

Created by Martin one year ago
Ian was a regular visitor to Margate, staying in a guesthouse near the sea and visiting his favourite café. So, it seemed fitting that we should find a place by the seaside to spread his ashes. Helped by our friends Maggie and Steve, we found a spot on some common land where we could plant a small oak tree and hold a short ceremony.
When Ian came to our flat for dinner, he would often suggest listening to some Irish rebel songs, so we sang our version of “Come Out Ye Black and Tans” for him.
After scattering his ashes as we walked away, we spotted a small white animal at the edge of the bushes – it was a guinea pig! How it had got there was anyone’s guess but we knew we had to save it from the foxes. Thankfully we met someone in some nearby flats who was happy to take it – they said they would ask around to see if anyone had lost one. I think Ian would have approved.